
Media scolding: Rod and Penny have had enough

Over the last few days, media reports have increasingly surfaced which have tried to insinuate that Rod Stewart and his wife Penny are having a serious relationship crisis. According to these reports, disagreements over the future family home were the cause of the dispute. Initially, British newspapers, above all the Daily Mail, published this story, which was then picked up by numerous media around the world and spread like wildfire.


Rod and Penny were furious. That evening, the noticeably angry singer published a clear statement on all his social media channels, formally denying the media's account. This statement was also distributed by his wife via her own channels. 

‘We want to be clear,’ Rod began his statement. ‘Contrary to articles in the Daily Mail, there is no rift at all between Penny and I and absolutely no disagreement about where we should live in the future. Quite the opposite,’ Stewart announced, ending with “Penny and I couldn't love each other more after 27 years”. The statement is signed ‘Rod “a very happy man” Stewart’.

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